Picture of Dr Ed Daw

Dr Ed Daw

Senior Lecturer

Room D28, Hicks Building
Dept of Physics and Astronomy
University of Sheffield
Sheffield S3 7RH

Tel: 0114 222 4353
Fax: 0114 272 8079
e-mail: e.daw@shef.ac.uk

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Summary of research interests

Dr Daw joined Sheffield in July 2003 and is a member of UKDMC, working on the design and commissioning of the ZEPLIN-2 and ZEPLIN-MAX liquid xenon experiments, and on the analysis of data from ZEPLIN-1. Before joining Sheffield he worked for five years on the LIGO gravitational wave observatory in the USA. For his PhD he worked on the American axion search experiment - dark matter, but not as we know it!

Dr Daw is currently working on gravitational wave data analysis, as a member of the LIGO scientific collaboration, and on searches for dark matter through the EURECA and DRIFT experiments.