Useful external links
Note that web links are rather volatile - these have all been available
for some years and shouldn't suddenly disappear without warning, but this can
never be guaranteed!
- Useful searchable databases for original papers are
the arXiv preprint server (for recent papers)
and the ADS database (for
older works).
- Ned Wright's cosmology
This is a relativity/light-cone oriented introduction to cosmology, which is rather more
technical that Wright thinks it is. Very good on the failings of alternative models
(see "Cosmological fads and fallacies"). In some places, clearly hasn't been updated
for a while.
- Supernova Cosmology Project homepage, with
useful links to their publications.
- Wayne Hu's home page, with lots
of nice animations showing how the cosmic microwave background depends on cosmological
parameters. In my version of Internet Explorer, some of the explanatory pages don't
work properly because of alleged errors in the scripts - I'm sure they did work with an
earlier version of IE!
- WMAP home page
You can download the (very long!) WMAP technical papers from here, or look at
some elementary explanations online.
- Wikipedia has a range of articles on
cosmology, most of which appear at a quick glance to be reasonably reliable. The head
article linked here has an extensive list of cosmological models from antiquity to the