B1;95;0c Christos Anastopoulos

Electron Reconstruction

The remarkable discovery of the Higgs boson in the experimentally harsh LHC environment would not have been possible without the deep understanding of the detector performance and optimisation of the reconstruction and identification algorithms.

An electron is reconstructed using energy deposits in the calorimeter (clusters), matched with tracks that provide information on the particle’s origin and direction and therefore of its momentum

I have been playing a leading role in the area electron performance and co-ordinated the development of the new electron reconstruction algorithm used by the ATLAS experiment in the Higgs discovery. This improved electron reconstruction resulted of 30% in the expected sensitivity for the Higgs discovery in the H → ZZ(*) → 4l channel.

Contact details

  • Address

    Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road,
    Sheffield, S37RH
    United Kingdom
  • Phone

    +44 (0)114 22 24523
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