Dr Susan Cartwright
Dr Susan Cartwright, course lecturer

Contact person

The contact person for this module is Dr Susan Cartwright, Hicks room D22, phone 222 4572, email S.Cartwright@shef.ac.uk.


To be determined

This module does not have tutorials or labs. You are welcome to contact the lecturer (see above) if you require assistance with course material.

Module Description

PHY106 covers the properties of the Sun, planets, moons and minor bodies of the Solar System with the goal of understanding the origin and evolution of the Solar System. Particular attention is made to comparative planetology – the differences between bodies and the reasons for these differences – and to current theories of planet formation and the early history of the solar system.

This 10-credit module forms part of the first year course for Dual Honours Astrophysics, but can also be taken as a stand-alone elective. A-level mathematics is recommended but not required.


On successful completion of this module, you should be able to

  1. describe the basic properties of the Sun and the eight major planets of the solar system, including their masses, sizes, chemical compositions and interior structures;
  2. relate these properties to theories of planetary formation and evolution;
  3. explain the distinction between major planets, dwarf planets and minor bodies of the solar system;
  4. describe the properties of the principal populations of minor solar system bodies (comets, asteroids and trans-Neptunian objects);
  5. compare and contrast our planetary system with the planetary systems discovered around other stars.


This module is assessed by an end-of-semester exam (80%) and a class test (20%). Further details are given on the assessment page.

Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, Sheffield S3 7RH, UK